Declaring a record in XML
Place the id attribute before the model
For field declarations
- Group the records by model. In case of any dependencies like action/menu/views, the convention may not be applicable
- Use the naming convention defined at the next point
To set not-updatable data, the <data> tag is set as noupdate=1 value, when the data file has a mix of “no update” data. Else you can use one of these-
The name attribute is first
The value attribute is either in the field tag or in the eval attribute. After that follow other attributes according to priorities
<odoo> : for noupdate=0
<odoo noupdate='1'>
Do not prefix xmlid with the current module's name
For records of model ir.filters use explicit user_id field
Naming Xml_id
Security, View, and Action
Use the following patterns :
For menu: <model_name>_menu
For view: <model_name>_view_<view_type>, where;
view_type is kanban, tree, form, search or other basic elements
For action: The main action syntax is <model_name>_action. It is further suffixed with _<detail>, where;
detail is an underscore lowercase string explaining the action.
For group: <model_name>_group_<group_name>, where;
group_name is the name of the group, like- user, manager, etc.
For rule: <model_name>_rule_<concerned_group>, where;
concerned_group is the short name of concerned group.
Inherited XML :
A module can extend its view only one time.
The naming rules must be followed when a view is inherited while the module name prevents xid conflicts.
If an inherited view has a name that does not follow the guidelines set, follow naming the inherited view after the original over using a name that follows the guidelines.
This simplifies looking towards the original view as well as other inheritance in case if they have the same name.
External Dependencies
If any of your modules use extra dependencies of python or binaries, you need to add it to the external_dependencies section to the
An entry in python needs to be in the PYTHONPATH. It is checked by running python -c “import external_dependency_python_N”
An entry in the bin needs to be in PATH and check by running which external_dependency_binary_N
Import Error
If external dependencies are used, you need to add try-except with a debug log.
Test files are the exception as these files are loaded while running tests where the module and its external dependencies are installed.
If a module uses extra dependencies of python or binaries, then explain how to install them in the README.rst file in the section Installation.